We visited Jess and look how cute our little ones are even though James fell asleep

My pretty little girlie

Well it's been a month since our last post so figured I would update you all. Well for those of you who dont' know, we are the ward activities committee and we had a successful XVI Ward Olympics. It was real fun. Our Stake is doing a roadshow and I had no idea what it even was and we are the directors of it. Oh what fun this will be. We get to perform November 8 unless they change it due to football quaterfinals. I an enjoying the fact that it is less than 100 degrees. Wahoo!!!! Fells great down here. Our girls are getting so big now. Rachel has learned to set up and crawl then push herself back up to the sitting position. She also pulls herself up to stand by things. Kaitlin loves to read books and sing songs anytime of day or night. We love our girls soooo much!!! We got to go up to my parents house and Kaitlin got her hair cut as you can see.

My new niece Kallie Ann

Rachel and Kaitlin love to play with the toy piano

Precious girl

Sister Love

Daddy and his two little girlies

Cute girls posing for me

Your girls are both absolutly gorgeous! Is Kaitlyn Todds age? He's going to be 4 in a on Feb. 22nd. I havn't been making it to Lunch at the park lately. My ward had 2 funerals last week. And Something else came up last second the week before. I'm planning on this tuesday though. Maybe I'll see you there?
I am so glad I found your blog. Your girls are way cute! I will keep in touch better now.
Your girls are so cute. Miss you. Hope I can see you soon.
Hey!! I just wanted to say a quick hello... I found your blog through Delena's. Glad to see you guys are doing well. Your little girls are adorable!!
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